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Nguyên Thành | Fullstack developer

About me


Hi there! I'm Sam,

Frontend developer with 3 years of experience. I also can develop Rest API using Express.js

Languages : Javascript/Typescript, HTML, CSS
Frameworks: Vue.js, React.js, Node.js, Next.js, Nuxt.js, Express.js, Sass/Scss, ...
Database: MongoDB, MySQL

I really like learning new things so I don't care what framework or language. I will try to adapt as quickly as possible.
If you have any job related to me, don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks!

*1 fact, I have 2 rap songs on spotify :D

My work

  • Fastcoding Vietnam (https://fastcoding.jp/)

    I have been working there for nearly 3 years with the JavaScript Developer position

    • - Building Vue.js projects from zero, develop web features on given requirements and custom animations by GSAP and Jquery
    • - Convert PSD, AI, XD to website for Japanese customers
    • - Optimize and develop internal tools and templates to save time
    • - Some funny projects Aquarium, City, Web
  • ATG VietNam (https://atg.auto/)

    I have been working there for nearly 7 months with the Software Engineer position

    • - Optimize and develop internal core component
  • Fun project

    S4md Roulette (https://game.s4md.com)

Contact me

  • LinkedIn

    More my information
    Please send me message, I will send my CV

  • Github

    Most of my projects are private. But let's check some other things

  • This project inspired idea by

    bokoko33.me and andrewwoan